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UK Seeing Delta Variant Increases

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UK Seeing Delta Variant Increases

UK Seeing Delta Variant Increases

Key Points:

  • In today’s Recommendations for Industry, we discuss the UK’s increasing cases of the Delta variant and Today being World Food Safety Day. Read more below.
  • Today is World Food Safety Day. The June 7, 2021 observance aims to draw attention and inspire action to help prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks, contributing to food security, human health, economic prosperity, agriculture, market access, tourism and sustainable development.
  • The number of people infected with coronavirus in the UK has risen by as much as two-thirds, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). BBC reports that It estimates that around 100,000 people tested positive in the week to 29 May, or one in 660 people – up from 60,000 the previous week. While a growing proportion looked like they were the Delta variant, first detected in India, the increased testing for the variant may make the spike look larger than it is.
  • The AAP updated its guidance on proper mask use for children aged 2-12 years who cannot or have not received a COVID-19 vaccine, stating that “Until children and adolescents can be fully protected by a vaccine, the AAP recommends they continue to wear masks when they are around groups of people indoors and outdoors.” The group encouraged unvaccinated children to wear masks in childcare, camp or school settings and while traveling, such as on airplanes, trains and buses, when playing with friends, at grocery stores, during indoor sports, and outdoor sports that have close contact.
  • Although Japan is preparing to host the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo, only 4% of the population had been vaccinated as of May 21, 2021. This delay in vaccine roll-out in Japan is said to be attributed to three factors: (1) the regulatory approval of COVID-19 vaccines in Japan has lagged behind other countries; (2) a delay in vaccine importation; (3) the vaccine roll-out system has been insufficient for achieving mass vaccination.
  • According to CIDRAP:

Recommendations for Industry

UK Seeing Delta Variant Increases

With the UK seeing an increase in COVID cases, it is expecting a third wave, though the question remains as to how large that wave will be. Data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show the proportion of people in England and Wales testing positive almost doubling in a week, suggesting that the Delta variant is now the dominant strain in the UK. Although the Delta variant is estimated to be 40% more transmissible than the Alpha variant (first seen in the UK), those who have are fully vaccinated should be equally protected against either variant.

At this point, there is no indication of increasing cases in the US, but TAG recommends that businesses continue to stay aware of case rates in regions in which they have facilities and gradually work into the next phase of the pandemic.

World Food Safety Day

UK Seeing Delta Variant Increases

In recognition of World Food Safety Day, TAG encourages all businesses to take a renewed look at your food safety systems to ensure each is at its best. If you would like assistance in conducting an assessment, give TAG a call!

In Case You Missed It

  • In last Friday’s Recommendations for Industry, we discuss how COVID-19 risk mitigation measures can help reduce incidents and spread of influenza and other infectious respiratory diseases. Read more here
  • The NYT talks with workers in essential industries expressing their fears and concerns, feeling as “sitting ducks”, with the lifting of mask requirements, especially given customer reactions as they interact with workers.
  • President Biden has announced the next month-long push for COVID-19 vaccination, with hopes to achieve at least a one-dose vaccination rate of 70% for the U.S. Some incentivization include: (a) “shots in shops” which hopes to “turn barber and beauty shops in predominantly Black neighborhoods into vaccine sites”; (b) continuing to provide free vaccine appointment rides via Lyft and Uber; (c) free childcare for parents getting vaccines at YMCAs; (d) increasing hours and access to vaccinations at pharmacies (e.g. Walgreens, CVS, etc.); (e) “Anheuser-Busch […] offering free beer to Americans who post pictures of themselves with vaccination cards on social media before July 4”. Additionally, many states and regions are increasing their own incentivization including tickets to games, lottery, and educational initiatives. [CIDRAP / NPR]
  • Bahrain is encouraging residents “over 50, are obese or have chronic illnesses” to receive a Pfizer booster vaccine”, especially if the resident has received a Chinese vaccine.
  • There have been two (2) billion vaccine doses administered worldwide. In terms of equity, “the world’s 27 wealthiest countries have administered nearly a third of all shots, despite being home to only 10 percent of the global population. In the U.S., 89.4 doses have been administered for every 100 people, compared to 1 dose per 100 people living in sub-Saharan Africa”.
  • While COVID-19 cases decrease in the U.S., other countries are seeing higher and increasing case rates, including in Afghanistan, Hong Kong, and Vietnam.
  • Germany continues its fight against the increase in fake COVID-19 vaccine certificates.
  • VOX explores the 6 reasons that U.S. individuals are not getting vaccinated, these reasons include: (a) lack of access (real or perceived); (b) feeling that COVID-19 is not a threat; (c) fear of vaccine side effects; (d) lack of trust in the institutions; (e) lack of trust in vaccines; (f) conspiracy theories.
  • The CDC released updated information and guidance for vaccinating migrant/migratory and seasonal food and agriculture workers as these populations are “at higher risk of being exposed to COVID-19 [and have had] disproportionate illness and mortality.” The CDC has even created a “Guide to Vaccinating Workers” to “help jurisdictions identify and quantify sub-populations of workers and then create a specific vaccination plan.”
  • The WHO has announced “simple, easy-to-say labels for SARS-CoV-2 Variants of interest and concern.” This effort is also intended to decrease the stigmatization of countries that are linked specifically to certain variants. See table below:

UK Seeing Delta Variant Increases

  • Vietnam detected a new highly contagious COVID-19 variant that seems to contain/express traits from both COVID Variant Alpha (B117 variant) and COVID Variant Delta (B1617.2 variant).
  • OSHA has updated and solidified its vaccination information for employers (on what can be asked and incentivized). This includes:
    • Federal EEO laws do not prevent an employer from requiring all employees physically entering the workplace to be vaccinated for COVID-19, so long as employers comply with the reasonable accommodation provisions of the ADA and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other EEO considerations. Other laws, not in EEOC’s jurisdiction, may place additional restrictions on employers. From an EEO perspective, employers should keep in mind that because some individuals or demographic groups may face greater barriers to receiving a COVID-19 vaccination than others, some employees may be more likely to be negatively impacted by a vaccination requirement.
    • Federal EEO laws do not prevent or limit employers from offering incentives to employees to voluntarily provide documentation or other confirmation of vaccination obtained from a third party (not the employer) in the community, such as a pharmacy, personal health care provider, or public clinic. If employers choose to obtain vaccination information from their employees, employers must keep vaccination information confidential pursuant to the ADA.
    • Employers that are administering vaccines to their employees may offer incentives for employees to be vaccinated, as long as the incentives are not coercive. Because vaccinations require employees to answer pre-vaccination disability-related screening questions, a very large incentive could make employees feel pressured to disclose protected medical information.
    • Employers may provide employees and their family members with information to educate them about COVID-19 vaccines and raise awareness about the benefits of vaccination. The technical assistance highlights federal government resources available to those seeking more information about how to get vaccinated.

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