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Taking A Turn Or Backing Up?

Taking A Turn Or Backing Up?

Delta Variant Updates:

Public Health/Food Safety:

      • The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) have published a review of risk assessment tools for Vibrio in 2020, updating advice on risk assessment for Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus.

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Recommendations for Industry

Taking A Turn Or Backing Up?

Over the last couple weeks, TAG has noted that the U.S. has been following the trajectory of the U.K. in relation to the COVID-19/Delta variant resurgence. We predicted that we would likely again hit the 200,000 cases/day mark with at least another month of rising cases and furthered vaccine and mask mandates.

While that is panning out, the expectation that the trajectory would then decrease has taken a bit of a turn. That is, we are now seeing the decrease in the U.K., and other countries, has not only flattened out, it has taken a bit of an upturn – which is causing TAG to adjust its predications and recommendations as well.

So, not only do you need to keep your seatbelt fastened for the duration, you will likely need to be backing up – reconsidering interventions, such as holding virtual meetings instead of bringing employees into a conference room; requiring masking; encouraging, incenting, and facilitating vaccines; and maintaining distancing and alternate schedules, where possible, for employees.

If you or your employees need further reason for doing so, the “One month later” images above and TAG matrix graphs below should help. And, as always, give TAG a call if you should need any assistance.

Risk Matrix

With 35 states with a Test Positive Rate (TPR) above 5% and a case rate higher than 14 people/100K, case rates across the country have risen drastically; in fact, 23 states have a case rate >25 persons/100K. Transmission rate uniformly above 1 across the U.S.

There is one bit of good news to impart, however, as 50% of the those within the U.S. are now fully vaccinated and 70% have now received at least one dose of one vaccine.

Taking A Turn Or Backing Up?Taking A Turn Or Backing Up?Taking A Turn Or Backing Up?Taking A Turn Or Backing Up?Taking A Turn Or Backing Up?

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