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TAG Food Safety Consulting Services

TAG: Supply Chain Controls & Risk Mitigation

Supply chain risk continues to be the fastest growing threat for most companies, and when not managed appropriately, can result in a crisis. The TAG team is well versed in supply chain risk mitigation best practices, regulatory and non-regulatory protocols based on our extensive work with customers throughout the food supply chain, along with our active involvement with regulatory and non-regulatory organizations. TAG Supply Chain Risk Service Offerings TAG Supply Chain Risk offerings help our clients identify risk mitigation strategies based on their unique supply chain and product risks, along with insights and guidance to ensure regulatory and non-regularly compliance standards are being met. Internal Supply Chain Risk Assessment and Gap Analysis (Onsite)
TAG’s internal onsite assessment is broken down into three perspectives: inherent risk of the ingredient, the way in which the supplier controls risk and the way in which a business uses the ingredients supplied. As part of this assessment, TAG provides a report of identified significant vulnerabilities plus recommended cost-effective mitigation strategies to mitigate supply chain risk to your product and your brand. 

TAG can also deploy our subject matter experts to perform onsite risk assessments at your Suppliers. Supply Chain Risk Plan Review ​(Remote or Onsite)
Using TAG’s proprietary Supply Chain Risk methodologies, we provide a desktop review of your Supply Chain Risk Plan to assess gaps relative to regulatory standards and best practices.  Onsite visits also include identifying more robust approaches to mitigating risk, along with recommended cost-effective strategies to protect your product and your brand.  This can include or be limited to assessment of:

1) Supplier Assurance Manual/Approval Program – Remote Document Review
2) Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) – Remote Document Review Remote or Onsite Training and Consultations  
TAG provides onsite or remote supply chain risk trainings to meet organizational objectives and target audiences. Topics surrounding supply chain risk include:

1) How to assess potential supply chain risks facing your business
2) Understanding the details of FDA’s supplier control requirements as part of FSMA
3) Developing a risk profile for incoming products and ingredients as well as for suppliers that considers your company’s needs
4) Utilizing data to actively assess, manage and reduce risk in your supply chain
5) A process for mapping out potential recall risks
6) How to discern if your insurance will cover you if a recall happens ​TAG also offers customized supply chain control and risk trainings and consultations relevant to your organization’s goals and objectives. TAG Risk Assessment Tool Drawing from TAG’s extensive work with food and beverage companies worldwide, the TAG Risk Assessment Tool – powered by SafetyChain Software – incorporates best practice methodologies to help companies: Improve the process of assessing supplier and product risk Validate highest areas of risk for informed decision making and prioritizations More effectively allocate resources based on higher risk suppliers and products Key TAG Risk Assessment Tool functionality includes: Extensive library of configurable product and supplier risk questionnaires Built-in reporting and analytics to weigh and compare risk rankings Trend tacking and analysis including gaps, and mitigation improvement To learn about this invaluable risk management tool, including TAG’s comprehensive approach to ensuring success in both configuration and usage – contact us today. About The Acheson Group (TAG) Led by Former FDA Associate Commissioner for Foods Dr. David Acheson, TAG is a food safety consulting group that provides guidance and expertise worldwide for companies throughout the food supply chain. With in-depth industry knowledge combined with real-world experience, TAG’s team of food safety experts help companies more effectively mitigate risk, improve operational efficiencies, and ensure regulatory and standards compliance. Interested in TAG’s Food Supply Chain Risk Offerings? Contact TAG today!


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