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Risk Matrix

Recommendations for Industry

Risk Matrix

Case rates and test positive rates are rising across the country. In fact, the Delta variant now accounts for more than 83% of new cases (CIDRAP) identified across the country; with many of those infected being unvaccinated. In today’s Risk Matrix, we explore the numbers.

We’ve had many weeks of lower TPRs and case rates; however, this week, things have changed:

  • Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Nevada, Oklahoma, Texas, and Utah have a TPR ≥ 5% and a case rate ≥ 10/100K people.
    • 13 states have a TPR >5% and case rate >10/100K people. (see the Case Rate / 100K people chart below)
    • 23 states (almost half of US states) now have a TPR >5%. However, 6 states have a TPR >10% – including Alaska, Florida, Missouri, Mississippi, Nevada, and Oklahoma.
  • Wyoming has a TPR < 5% and a case rate≥ 10/100K people.

Table 1.

Risk Matrix

Figure 1.

Risk Matrix

Table 2.

Risk Matrix

Table 3.

Risk Matrix

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