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REGEN-COV Showing Positive Signs for COVID Treatment

Food Safety & Public Health:

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REGEN-COV Showing Positive Signs for COVID Treatment

A new study on REGEN-COV has shown it to be effective as an early-stage therapy to reduce risk of hospitalization and mortality from COVID-19. As stated in the report, the drug, which is a mixture of two monoclonal antibodies, “prevented symptomatic COVID-19 and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in previously uninfected household contacts of infected persons. Among the participants who became infected, REGEN-COV reduced the duration of symptomatic disease and the duration of a high viral load.”  A monoclonal antibody is an antibody made by cloning a unique white blood cell.

With the study including 753 participants given REGEN-COV and 752 participants given a placebo, the treatment proved to be effective against the current variants, including Alpha, Beta, Delta, Epsilon and Gamma, for all age groups. Side effects were seen to be the same in the two groups.

As a preventive therapy, REGEN-COV was said to reduce symptomatic infection by 81.4%, with efficacy apparent within days. Additionally, for those who did develop symptoms, there was a two-week difference in the mean duration, from 1.2 weeks in the REGEN-COV group to 3.2 weeks in the placebo group. The study also found the concentration to stay at therapeutic levels for at least a month.

An August call held by the CDC including the FDA and NIH, discussed the current clinical and research landscape of using monoclonal antibodies for post-exposure and prophylactic treatment.  As outlined in the study above, these treatments appear to be beneficial in preventing illness after exposure, early in the course of infection; especially for immunocompromised individuals who may not produce sufficient antibodies after infection.

While the efficacy of REGEN-COV does not seem to be getting a lot of traction in the media, TAG sees it as a significant development. Similar to the current preventive steps for the flu, we see long-term control and prevention of COVID as including:

  1. Vaccination for prevention
  2. Positive diagnosis treatment (e.g., Tamiflu/flu, REGEN-COV/COVID)
  3. Avoidance – staying home when sick.

TAG’s Risk Matrix:

Currently 28 states have a TPR > 10% and case rate > 25 cases/100k people. Additionally, there are 16 states with a TPR 25 cases/100k people. South Dakota, Alabama, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia, and Idaho continue to have high Test Positive Rates; with South Dakota at 23%.

Table 1.

REGEN-COV Showing Positive Signs for COVID Treatment

Figure 1.

REGEN-COV Showing Positive Signs for COVID Treatment

Table 2.

REGEN-COV Showing Positive Signs for COVID Treatment

Table 3.

REGEN-COV Showing Positive Signs for COVID Treatment

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