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Planning for Fall Respiratory Illnesses

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Planning for Fall Respiratory Illnesses

Planning for Fall Respiratory Illnesses

Key Points:

Recommendations for Industry

Planning for Fall Respiratory Illnesses

With vaccinations continuing to increase and cases continuing to decrease, TAG is seeing all indications pointing to a relatively quiet summer as far as COVID-19 is concerned. But while you enjoy that bit of reprieve, know that the fall will undoubtedly bring a return to the usual respiratory illnesses – i.e., colds and flu.

What will be different this year from pre-COVID years is that the “usual” respiratory illness symptoms will need to be taken more seriously as many of the symptoms (e.g., fever, cough, chills) are similar to those of COVID-19, and are highly transmissible regardless of the person’s viral condition. Thus making a focus on respiratory hygiene of continued importance for businesses.

On the plus side, the pandemic has provided us all with more awareness of the risks and impacts of respiratory illnesses – and we have more strategies to fight against their transmission and the increased employee absences and business impacts.

As we move through the summer, TAG will continue to keep an eye on the public health situation and advise readers accordingly. We also are developing fall/respiratory illness strategies to assist businesses, restructuring our Hierarchy of Controls for relevance, and will be helping businesses convert or develop programs to be prepared for, and reduce the impact of, fall and winter illnesses.

Keep an eye on this space and give us a call with any questions or pre-planning assistance.

In Case You Missed It


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