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The New Era of Recall Ready: A community approach to a better recall practice

When recalls are managed on an individual company basis it creates challenges throughout the supply chain. Change is needed to better prepare companies from an integrated supply chain perspective, so that recalls can be faster, more efficient, and ultimately protect consumers better. More leadership to build on the ‘recall ready’ guidance with actionable implementation and a community approach to recall process improvements will turn potential crises into truly ‘recall ready’ situations. -Recall InfoLink

The idea of being recall ready has been around for years, but a news release from the FDA has brought it to the forefront. The release, “FDA Urges Companies to be ’Recall Ready’ to Protect Public Health as Part of Final Guidance for Voluntary Recalls,” speaks to well-known and well-worn guidelines for being recall ready.

It’s great that guidance of this kind is coming from the FDA. We see daily how vital it is for companies to not only take prompt action but also prepare ahead of time. The more we all talk about this, the better.

However, it’s important that in talking about it, we also put guidance into action. Encouragement from the FDA is a great start. The industry also needs leadership for implementing the guidance. We aren’t the only ones thinking along these lines. In July 2021, STOP published the Collaborative Plan to Achieve Customer-Focused Recall Modernization to recommend “a strategic approach to modernize the entire recall system and enhance its overall effectiveness for the consumer.” We agree that there’s a need for process changes in the way food recalls are conducted.

We repeatedly hear from suppliers, distributors, and retailers that companies are overwhelmed by how fragmented the recall process is. We saw this fragmentation at play with the infant formula recall. Incomplete information led to confusion, which slowed the action to remove affected products, and ultimately resulted in more risk to consumers.

Good recall processes certainly exist. Many individual companies have developed best-in-class processes that serve them well. In fact, most companies we interact with consider themselves recall ready. Yet the infant formula recall is not an anomaly. Where’s the disconnect? The problem is that individual recall readiness doesn’t translate into a solution that benefits the entire supply chain. There is no consistency, which results in recalls that are inefficient at best, and a crisis at worst.

We have been exploring the concept of a recall-ready community where everyone involved in a recall works in sync. The idea of community suggests that the efforts are focused on what is good for the whole, not just the individual. This approach shifts the industry from the current state of fragmentation to an interconnected supply chain that knits together the process in a way that serves everyone.

A recall-ready community is characterized by clear communication, trust, and speed. Built on a shared commitment to a standardized and modernized recall process at every point in the supply chain, it would uphold process standards that improve the recall process for manufacturers, distributors, and retailers – both individually and collectively. Examples of process standards include simple data input platforms, fast communication, and automated information dissemination to the regulator, retailer, and consumer.

There also must be a preparatory integration step. Practice is required to ensure recall information flows quickly and correctly to others who need to take action. In mock recalls today, the communication piece of the plan is not usually practiced, only the product traceability. We need to effectively modernize mock recalls to exercise the process completely. The idea of a recall-ready community has already struck a chord with top leadership at key associations such as the American Frozen Food Institute and the National Grocers Association, ROFDA, National Animal Supplement Council and businesses across the supply chain. What is most needed now are thought leaders, industry experts, and representatives from all sectors of the supply chain to come together in creative collaboration. A community approach can build a community solution that will truly ensure we are recall ready.

About Recall InfoLink. Recall InfoLink is a product recall management service that protects your brand, business, and customers. The service provides a standardized platform to easily distribute recall information, track progress in real time, and generate reports for compliance needs to help the industry be truly Recall Ready. Wherever you are in the supply chain, Recall InfoLink is a solution that makes your recall process management easier and more effective. Learn more at

Picture of Roger Hancock

Roger Hancock

President & CEO, Recall InfoLink, Inc.