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New Canadian Nutrition Labelling: Are you Prepared?

New Canadian Nutrition Labelling: Are you Prepared?

It’s been more than 20 years since Canada last updated its food nutrition labelling requirements – but Health Canada’s new regulation makes up for that with some very noteworthy changes to requirements. The regulation and its requirements were detailed by TAG’s Canada-based Vice President of Regulatory Affairs Cameron Prince on the September FSMA Friday Webinar: New Canadian Nutrition Labelling.

Although the industry was given five years for implementation, that time is beginning to close in, as the regulation was issued in December 2016. That gives food producers a little over a year to have all labels in compliance. And it’s not a simple regulation, there are some significant changes, made to meet the improved science of diet and health as well as the changed eating behaviors and transparency demands of today’s more educated consumers.

The recorded webinar, available on the TAG/SafetyChain FSMA Friday web page provides a complete rundown of the regulation including:

· Learn more about the regulation and its expected impacts on both those manufacturing food in Canada and those who ship food to Canada.

· A comparison of the original and new labelling requirements – particularly related to sugars.

· Required labelling for single-serving containers, foods that can be measured, foods that come in pieces or can be divided, and amounts typically eaten.

· How CFIA is expected to enforce this Health Canada regulation.

· With COVID-19 impacting compliance dates for so many regulations, the impact the virus may have on a further extension for labelling as well.

With offices in both the U.S. and Canada, TAG can assess your food programs and assist in ensuring global compliance. Contact us to learn more!


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