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Mu Variant Not a New Strain in U.S.

Food Safety & Public Health:

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Recommendations for Industry

Mu Variant Not a New Strain in U.S.

With media headlines touting the “emergence” of the B.1.621 (Mu) variant of COVID, TAG has been receiving a number of questions on Mu. While there is currently little epidemiological data on this variant, the World Health Organization (WHO) provided a focused update on August 31, with some information on Mu including the statement, “Preliminary data presented to the Virus Evolution Working Group show a reduction in neutralization capacity of convalescent and vaccinee sera similar to that seen for the Beta variant, but this needs to be confirmed by further studies.”

In layman’s terms, this is stating that there is some indication that natural immunity or the current vaccines may provide less or little protection against Mu. However, WHO states that further research is needed, and TAG has seen no definitive clinical or epidemiological data showing breakthrough or reinfections by Mu. Additionally, there is data suggesting that Mu has been present in the US since early 2021, so while it could become a dominant strain, it is not as new as is being indicated in some recent coverage.

For businesses, this means that you should continue to enforce COVID worker protections, but not overreact. TAG is continuing to track Mu, as well as all the variants, and will continue to keep you informed through this newsletter.

Tracking the Flu

Each Tuesday, TAG will be providing an update on the presence and transmission of the influenza virus across the U.S. as published by the CDC. With the flu having many overlapping symptoms with COVID, it is essential to stay on top of both viruses, understand the symptoms, and rates of transmission, as depicted in the following graphs.

Mu Variant Not a New Strain in U.S.

Mu Variant Not a New Strain in U.S.

In Case You Missed It

Food Safety & Public Health:

  • The FDA will hold its 2021 Retail Food Protection Seminar on September 13 – 16, 2021. Registration for the virtual event is free and open to all interested in retail food safety, including state, local, territorial, and tribal regulators, industry, and academia. Retail modernization is a priority in the New Era of Smarter Food Safety blueprint. FDA is exploring the best ways to further modernize and help ensure the safety of foods sold at restaurants and other retail establishments. Register now for free!
  • The EU is evaluating food irradiation rules due to the process being less used as “driven by industry and consumer fears […] The evaluation found the directives had been inefficient at ensuring a level playing field between EU and non-EU countries and, because of a labeling requirement, had affected businesses’ ability to use irradiation.” As in the U.S., right now irradiation is mostly used for “dried aromatic herbs, spices and vegetable seasonings.” However, as we know, irradiation is a safe and effective process to eliminate pathogens!
  • There are at least 6 foodborne outbreaks that the FDA is currently investigating. See the Table below.

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