How up to date are you with FDA regulations? If quizzed, could you define FTL, CTE, and KDE?
If not, the October TAG/SafetyChain FSMA Friday webinar, presented by TAG Director of Food Safety Eric Edmunds, JD, is for you!
In the webinar (available in the FSMA Friday Webinar Series), Eric discussed FDA’s proposed Food Traceability Rule, the affected foods and ingredients on its Food Traceability List (FTL) and the rule’s foundational elements: Critical Tracking Events (CTEs) and Key Data Elements (KDEs), along with other key elements of the rule.
In addition to learning more about these new acronyms, you will learn:
1. What rules would apply specifically to Growers, Receivers, Transformers, Creators, and Shippers (and what, exactly, are “transformers” and “creators”)?
2. What if you or a supplier has applied a kill step?
3. What, when, and how must FTL records be provided to FDA?
4. When is enforcement expected?
5. And … of concern to many – Am I exempt?
View the recorded FSMA Fridays: New FSMA Proposed Rule for Food Traceability or other FSMA Friday presentations to learn about the rule and other important industry topics.
Contact TAG for more information or assistance.