• 10,000 cases are estimated to occur annually in the US, with the numbers rising significantly in the past 20 years.
• ~10% of legionellosis patients will die. Many will suffer long-term symptoms.
• >$800 million has been estimated as the the lifetime economic burden of legionellosis.
• Medicaid and Medicare mandate that hospitals have water management teams and plans to manage legionellosis risks — or risk losing reimbursements.
Because legionellosis incidence is impacted by the levels of Legionella bacteria in the water source and its virulence:
1. Take steps to reduce Legionella growth & proliferation, such as that found in biofilms.
2. Know your building’s water system. Consider engaging professionals with expertise in detecting
and effectively managing Legionella risks.
3. Thoroughly flush water systems that have sat unused for long periods or are used infrequently.
4. Ensure your water system is properly designed. ASHRAE guidance, includes elements such as:
• Avoid dead legs in pipes or other areas that can allow water to sit for an extended time.
• Capture aerosols.
• Treat water with heat and/or chemical disinfectants with claims against Legionella bacteria.
• Incorporate turbulence to reduce biofilm formation.
5. Point-of-use filtration can also be used.
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