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Considerations for Return to Work

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Considerations for Return to Work

Considerations for Return to Work

Key Points:

Recommendations for Industry

Considerations for Return to Work

Q. With some states lifting their COVID restrictions, we are beginning to think about backing down on our policies as well as having the work-from-home employees return to the office. What do we need to be considering?

A. Although two states, Texas and Mississippi, are reopening businesses and rescinding mask mandates, CDC is continuing to warn that the U.S. may see a fourth COVID-19 wave, despite increases in vaccinations. This is based on continued evolution of variants, and the situations being seen around the world, such as that of Brazil which is in crisis mode with a resurgence of deaths and overwhelmed health care due to the variant P. 1, which also has been detected in at least five U.S. states.

Because of this and the continuing limited availability of vaccines, TAG continues to recommend that business maintain protections while developing return to work policies. Some areas that TAG recommends be considered include:

  • The rate of community spread in your area and the percentage of the population that has been vaccinated.
  • The general environment of vaccine acceptance vs. hesitancy in your community.
  • Commuting practices, with public transportation and even carpools having greater risk over
  • Allowing those uncomfortable with returning to continue to work from home.
  • Beginning with a hybrid approach to enable continued distancing.
  • Continuing, or even enhancing, wellness checks.
  • Encouraging and/or incentivizing employees to be vaccinated.

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