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Considerations for Gradual, Safe Draw Down of COVID Protections

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Considerations for Gradual, Safe Draw Down of COVID Protections

Considerations for Gradual, Safe Draw Down of COVID Protections

Key Points:

  • In today’s Recommendations for Industry, we discuss Considerations for the gradual, safe drawdown of COVID protections. Read more below.
  • Alaska is the first state to make COVID-19 vaccines available to nearly everyone.
  • A recent study and analysis has found that, globally, we are nowhere close to having herd immunity.
  • Yesterday, March 11, 2021, marked the one-year anniversary of the official WHO declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Starting April 1st, quarantine for domestic travel to New York will no longer be required. Mandatory quarantine will remain for international travelers. The Department of Health still recommends quarantine as an added precaution and all travelers must complete the Traveler Health Form.
  • FDA has approved one drug and authorized others for emergency use against COVID-19 giving patients more treatment options.
  • Although President Biden has announced that all American adults would be eligible for the vaccine by May 1, a new survey indicates that 30% of Americans — and higher rates for some subgroups — are not yet willing to take it.
  • We will be updating the Vaccine Chart this upcoming Monday! Stay tuned!

Recommendations for Industry

Considerations for Gradual, Safe Draw Down of COVID Protections

With COVID-19 vaccines becoming more available and President Biden directing states to make all adults eligible for vaccination by May 1, we can anticipate that COVID-19 transmission will decrease, and it may be possible to relax protections sooner than previously expected. So, what do businesses need to consider?

The primary consideration TAG would recommend is that a gradual, strategic approach be taken to relaxing protections in your workplace. One set of factors that should be considered is the percentage of your workforce that has been vaccinated and the COVID case rate of the area(s) in which you operate. Shifting rapidly from the widespread protections that have been implemented to no protections such as masks, distancing, etc., not only could lead to a re-escalation of transmission, but is likely to cause unease, or even distress, among workers, particularly those with other health concerns. Just as it took a gradual adjustment to implementing and accepting the protections of COVID, so, too, will it take a gradual, deliberate adjustment to feeling comfortable without them.

As such, there is a lot to consider when recalibrating protections, and TAG is dedicated to assisting in those efforts. As such, beginning next week, we will be providing more considerations and recommendations on safe, progressive ways to back down controls.

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