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Can We Make COVID-19 the “Last Pandemic”?

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Can We Make COVID-19 the “Last Pandemic”?

Can We Make COVID-19 the “Last Pandemic”?

Key Points:

Recommendations for Industry

Can We Make COVID-19 the “Last Pandemic”?

COVID-19 has significantly increased the awareness of the extent to which an airborne infectious disease can impact all facets of our lives, both business and personal. It is why international bodies have begun looking to the future to “make COVID-19 the last pandemic” – and why we’re starting to see regulation within the U.S. on protecting the workforce against future public health issues.

Having been one of the most COVID-affected states early on, New York is the first to pass regulation requiring businesses to implement an airborne infectious disease exposure prevention standard and allow for employee input on its airborne infectious disease programs. (Watch for TAG’s weekly newsletter this Thursday in which we will further detail New York’s law and its implications.)

This is a momentous event for all businesses across the U.S., as at least some of the other 49 states will undoubtedly be watching New York and considering similar laws, or at least guidance, of their own. But, like other workforce considerations, public health protection is not something for which any business should need a law or legal enforcement. Not only is it a responsible act to protect your employees, but ongoing employee protection is essential to business continuity.

Additionally, employing general protections regularly and having an infectious disease plan may not “make COVID-19 the last pandemic.” Still, it will ensure you are more prepared to deal with the challenges of the next international, national, local, or business-specific public health crisis you face.

If you worked with TAG during COVID to meet the challenges of the pandemic, we can help convert your program for preparation for future challenges. If not, and you want to add TAG’s expertise to your public health planning, we can help create a program to ensure your preparedness. Give us a call today!


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