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Tick-borne Illnesses Become More Likely with Climate Change

As we experience less severe winters and increasing air temperatures, the risk and range of tick-borne illnesses grow. Historically, very cold, dry winters are poor conditions for tick survival, and recent winters have been anything but. Over the last decade, Lyme disease cases have increased by 1,000% in Canada.

Ticks, parasitic arachnids ranging vastly in size, can carry infectious agents that pose serious health risks. Although not all ticks are carriers, bites from those that are, can expose humans to a variety of concerning symptoms and health conditions. Ticks, while found year-round, are most active in warmer months. Climate change has allowed for longer warm seasons up north and increasing habitats for ticks, as well as for host animals, such as deer, mice, and raccoons.

More favorable conditions over a wider range of locations have led to great population growth and longevity in ticks. In the first five months of 2024, 1,124 black-legged tick sightings have been reported in Ontario. In comparison, only about 120 ticks were sighted in the same amount of time five years ago. In Canada, a map of established risk areas in 2024 show black-legged ticks now occupy more urban and residential areas, increasing human risk for exposure.

 Lyme disease, the most common tick-borne disease, is transmitted through a black-legged tick carrying Borrelia burgdorferi. This species is extremely small, making it difficult to spot. In the early stages of Lyme disease, one sign can be a “bull’s eye rash” around the site of the tick bite. However, this rash is not always experienced or witnessed, and a diagnosis may not occur until later stages of infection. Even if Lyme is suspected, some people experience pain for years without a diagnosis, as testing is unreliable, and symptoms vary. If left without diagnosis and treatment, Lyme disease can negatively affect the heart, joints, and nervous system. A wide range of other serious, painful, and even debilitating symptoms can occur, including fatigue, fever, dizziness, headaches, and memory loss. In rare cases, it can lead to death.

Another serious condition that can arise after a tick bite is Alpha-gal Syndrome (AGS), an allergy to alpha-gal, a sugar found in mammalian tissue and meat. The tick primarily associated with AGS is the lone star tick. Eating beef, pork, lamb, or other animal products can cause the allergic reaction in individuals with AGS. Symptoms include a rash, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, and—in some cases—an anaphylactic reaction.

As peak tick season is arriving, TAG recommends following preventive measures against tick bites, such as wearing long pants and closed-toe shoes, applying bug repellent, watching where you are walking, and checking for ticks when you return indoors. For more information on tick-borne infectious diseases and prevention, check out TAG’s fact sheet and contact us with any questions.

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Tick-borne Illnesses Become More Likely with Climate Change


Tick-borne Illnesses Become More Likely with Climate Change
Tick-borne Illnesses Become More Likely with Climate Change
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