Backyard Chicken

Backyard Chicken Risks

I’m considering starting a backyard chicken farm, but I’ve been warned that there could be some disease risks. Is that true? The short answer: Yes,

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Chip dip

Double Dip Dilemma

I love dip, and I hate having half a chip without dip just because my first dip didn’t cover the full chip. So I double

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food allergies

Am I Allergic?

I get a stomachache whenever I drink milk. Does that mean I’m allergic to it and should completely avoid it? The short answer: Not necessarily

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Is Organic Healthier?

Are organic foods healthier than conventionally grown and produced foods? The short answer: Not necessarily The explanation: The USDA Organic seal can be used only

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Is Irradiated Food Safe?

While grocery shopping, I saw that some foods are labeled with the below symbol and say “Treated with radiation.” That does not sound safe to

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Food Safety

Bottled Water vs. Tap Water

I’ve been seeing conflicting reports on the safety of bottled water vs tap water. I’m now quite confused! Which should I drink? The short answer:

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