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Warning Letter

Accurate Allergen Labeling is Critical

Accurate labeling of products is critical in the food industry, particularly when allergens are involved. As shown by a recent warning letter to a Hawaiian sweets manufacturer, an FDA finding of incorrect labeling of allergens will warrant citations, and a warning if not corrected.

The misidentification of the nuts in the company’s boxed brownies led to a citation for misbranding because the product labels did not correctly label allergens. The unintentional packing of peanut-containing product in a case that was labeled for macadamia-containing product, with no peanuts included on the label not only led to a recall and the citation, but also to a warning letter.

Food allergies can be a life-threatening condition, so it is essential that labels are accurate. While no process is perfect 100% of the time, the processes for allergen labeling, application and verification should be one of the top priorities of any food business with allergenic ingredients.


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