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About the November 19th, 2021 FSMA Friday Webinar
The Supply Chain labor shortage is real and, unfortunately, expected to continue.

Some manufacturers are fighting it with automation, others by upskilling and reskilling. But as we all explore new ways to cope, Food Safety can run amuck unless you have one thing pinned solidly in place: a collaborative, overarching Food Safety Culture. In 30 minutes, we’ll share ideas on how to build yours.

Join Liliana Casal-Wardle, Ph.D., Senior Director Food Safety & Supply Chain Risk Management at The Acheson Group, as she discusses the impact of labor shortages, labor rotations, and Supply Chain disruptions on Food Safety and looks at how a strong Food Safety Culture can mitigate risk and inspire your workers in this VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, & Ambiguous) world.

You’ll take away tips for creating cultural change that will positively impact your food safety outcomes for years to come.

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