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TAG Food Safety Consulting Services

A Message from the CEO Dr. David Acheson

I want to take this opportunity to assure our clients that we are as committed to supporting you and food safety as much as ever. As part of the critical infrastructure, it is imperative that we all continue to focus on food safety and our efforts to keeping the food supply chain safe as we always have. I, and the TAG team, are committed to continuing to work with all our clients on both food safety risk mitigation, operational efficiencies, regulatory and standards compliance – as well as COVID-19 business management. To comply with federal, state, and social distancing restrictions and recommendations, TAG is temporarily curtailing travel. But we remain open for business and are looking at new ways to remotely deliver the program excellence you’ve come to expect from TAG, including virtual site assessments, exclusive web-based training, and other innovative programs to assist in and help ensure the continued prioritization of food safety and quality. As many of you have seen from TAG’s new COVID-19 Resources webpage and daily email updates, we are focused on, and immersed in, assisting our clients, and the food industry as a whole, work through the COVID-19 situation while keeping everyone safe. But food safety continues to be our core business. It is important for all our food clients to realize that we all are considered to be in a critical infrastructure industry, as defined by the Department of Homeland Security, and thus, have a special responsibility to maintain our normal business and supply chain as much as possible to feed customers. COVID-19 does not make food safety any easier than in “normal” times; in fact, it adds to the difficulty, through absenteeism, use of temporary workers, and more supply chain challenges. Know that TAG is here to help you every step of the way. I and the dedicated team at TAG take our responsibility to our clients very seriously. We stand ready to support and help your company’s needs in any capacity we possibly can. Sincerely, David David Acheson, M.D. CEO & President The Acheson Group


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