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We’re Getting There … But Keep it Slow & Deliberate

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We’re Getting There … But Keep it Slow & Deliberate

We’re Getting There … But Keep it Slow & Deliberate

Key Points:

Colorado is investigating a potential norovirus outbreak near Denver.

Recommendations for Industry

We’re Getting There … But Keep it Slow & Deliberate

The CDC guidance on demasking of vaccinated individuals has been a huge topic of discussion in the media, social media – and businesses with whom TAG has provided consultation. While some states and businesses have taken demasking to the extreme, essentially indicating that it’s all over with no protections needed., TAG strongly advises that businesses take it slower and more deliberately for a number of reasons.

The CDC recommendation is not as simple as it sounds. While it seems to make sense to require only unvaccinated persons to wear masks and distance, determining who is on each side of the vaccination issue is not only difficult, it could seriously impact the camaraderie within your company. That is: how do you deal with the potential of fake ID cards; excuses (“The dog ate my card”); rumors/hearsay/”snitching” (“Cathy isn’t vaccinated but isn’t wearing her mask”), and other HR issues.

With all this, one option is to allow office workers to work at their desks without masking, but require all (vaccinated or not) to wear masks in common areas.

The US is on a good trajectory, which projections are showing could lead to negligible numbers by July. But we want to keep that progression moving forward and not have to backtrack because cases start going the other direction. Even more focused on your business, you don’t want to remove protections, then have to go backward. Let’s make sure we get it right the first time.

In Case You Missed It


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